Fitness Coaching

Education while being trained. Giving you the long-term tools of understanding how your body specifically manages gravity, the power of what positions and breathing can do. Strength training and conditioning, pain free. Partnered with Inside Tracker. This partnership will further help your nutritional choices, based on your blood analyzation. To help you understand what nutrition and movement (“working-out”) means for someone with your lifestyle, internal and external stresses. To change for long term health, you need to change your system, your results will follow. Let’s get you there. Looking at your habits, your relationship with food, your movement quality, recovery, and lifestyle. Customizing every client where they are to help them improve in every category.

Online Worldwide - In Person (NYC only)

Residencial Gym Consulting & Design

Design and Concept Advisory:

Knowing the perfect combination, quantity and type of equipment for your facility is a skill that comes only with the depth of experience. Working closely with you to refine and evolve your concept of a fitness facility that fits your needs and budget. This process includes a client consultation on their movement quality and future or current workout routines, researching and identifying appropriate gym equipment, developing floorplans, drawings, photos, and coordinating gym interior. Location


Allocating and Equipment Zoning:

Space and zoning of the gym, colors, materials, identifying electric equipment, producing a 3D rendering of the gym, and a storage plan. Creating a detailed gym product list with specifications, customization options, supplier info, delivery times, and pricing.

Equipment Plan and Procurement:

Delivering technical equipment installation drawings for contractors and delivery company, as needed. Conducting a gym site visit for coordination of interior fit-out and equipment installation, if needed. Providing client induction to new equipment, if applicable. Addressing any snags in interiors and equipment setup. Your vision is my priority.

Workshops & Corporate Events

Elevate your corporate events with a blend of educational and motivational biomechanics and fitness presentations. Such as, how to improve sitting posture, habits and more. Witness improved employee well-being, enhanced productivity, and a positive shift in workplace culture. Dive into hands-on workshops that not only educate but actively involve participants, fostering team building and a health-conscious workplace culture.

Available in both English and Spanish.